Within the framework of joint cooperation between Commissions for Controlling Desert Locust in the Central (CRC) and Western (CLCPRO) Regions, a regional workshop was held on the new version of the “National Locust Control Resources Monitoring System” (SVDN) as well as the new version of the “Locust Pesticide Management System” (L-PMS), in Tunis, Tunisia, from February 25 to 29, 2024.
The SVDN system provides a spatial database that includes all national locust control resources, and enables locust control units to inventory - register - update these resources, to obtain the status of these resources in terms of their adequacy and efficiency in facing any potential developments in the Desert Locust situation.
While (L-PMS) provides a spatial database for the inventory of Desert Locust pesticides in national locust control units, this system contributes to inventory - recording - updating - tracking the inventory of pesticides. This system also reduces the accumulation of unused pesticides through the triangulation system.