Locust Emergency Toolkit (eLERT) |
Desert Locust Contingency Planning Assistant (DeLCoPA) |
The eLERT is a dynamic and interactive online database whose main objective is to serve as reference, at both national and international levels, to respond more timely and effectively to the needs in a fast evolving crisis situation. It provides important information on critical aspects such as pesticides registered in the affected countries for locust control, technical specifications of recommended equipment, suppliers, standard contracts for aerial operators and consultants to reinforce the response capacities in the field, contact lists of important partners, rosters of consultants, etc.
The eLERT should help people and agencies to act more effectively in coping with locust threats, thus preventing damage to the livelihoods of the rural population." |
This Assistant will help the national LCUs to be better prepared to cope more effectively with the incident of a DL emergency. It provides guidance to identify and mitigate constraints, gaps or operational weaknesses. In order to use this link please contact the Technical Assistant of the CRC Secretary (Essam.Khalifah@fao.org) |
For information on Locust Emergency Toolkit (eLERT), please visit the website:
http://sites.google.com/site/eLertsite |
Desert Locust Contingency Planning Assistant (DeLCoPA), online version
http://delcopa.herongroupllc.com |