The Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region
DL Situation
Operational-scale field trial of using Metarhizium acridum

First Operational-scale field trial of the entomopathogen Metarhizium acridum (NOVACRID ) against Locust in Oman (May 2024)

Given the growing concerns linked to the use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture system, CRC, the Commission of Desert Locust Control in the Central Region is promoting all efforts that minimize the health and environmental risks, such as introducing of new technologies and encouraging the uses of biopesticide to control locusts in the central region.

In This regard, the CRC is conducting a field trial to investigate the efficacy of the biopesticide Metarhizium acridum on locust in Sultanate of Oman. The activity is taking place in Dhofar Governorate - Oman, in collaboration with Oman Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources. The experiment is designated on an area of about 30 hectares growing with Rhodes grass and is heavily infested with all stages of Locusts migratoria. Treated field are under evolution and results will be announced soon.

CRC - 21, May 2024