The Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region
DL Situation
Desert Locust Bulletin, No. 520, January 2022

Upsurge declines in the Horn of Africa

After more than two years, the current Desert Locust upsurge has finally declined. Aerial control operations against the few small immature swarms that remained in northeast Somalia ended on 4 January. During the remainder of the month, no locusts were seen in Ethiopia and Kenya, and southerly migration was not detected. As ecological conditions are dry due to a lack of rainfall in the Horn of Africa, the likelihood of any further developments in the region is low but vigilance is suggested during February. Adding to the collapse of the upsurge, poor rains have limited winter breeding to a small area along both sides of the Egypt/Sudan border on the Red Sea coast. While small-scale breeding may occur during February on the coastal plains near the Sudan/Eritrea border and in a few places on the Saudi Arabia and Yemen coast, it is likely to be limited and should not cause a significant cant increase in locusts. Elsewhere, the situation remains calm. Small-scale breeding is likely to commence during February and March in the spring breeding areas of southeast Iran and southwest Pakistan where early rains fell in January, and south of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco where isolated adults are currently present. No significant cant developments are expected, and the situation should continue to remain calm and return to normal.

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DLIS - 01, Feb 2022